Originally Posted by peterlin
Both pictures look like mericlone plants to me.
My theory is that two plants were potted together. Imagine that one plant is dying (i.e. crown rot - down to one or no leaf) and the producer potted it with another healthy plant with no flower.
Over time the first plant (flower/spike) died back. That leaves no trace of it - and now the other plant is flowering.
Thanks for the responses everyone.
Peter, I am really new to this and am not sure what mericlone means...can you explain that to me?
And you were right about it being planted together with another. I took moss off the top and took it apart a little, and it broke into two halves, one half of the healthy but not as pretty as I wanted new flower plant...and the other half a dead plant that contained the remnants of the old spike from last flowering...and I could see the crown, and some decayed leaves were buried with it.
Very upsetting.