The one with a spike loaded with tiny buds are from Whole Foods in January. so it's about time I guess. It is dark magenta, which is one of my favorite phalaenopsis color. and it is branching this time!!!
It has more buds than when I bought it so I'm super excited!
The one next to it came from a local farmer's market last summer. It had flowers that are as big as the plant itself almost! very unique white blushed with pink.
Somehow, it suffered and the top two leaves that grew under my care are shockingly small.
I saw some root action and I loved the flower so much that I kept it and was willing to give it more time.
but hey, look what I found today. There is a spike coming out!!!
The one in the last picture is from TJ last year. It kept on blooming for a long time, then it worked on leaves which got bigger and bigger each time.

I didn't see any spike in November and put the plant right up against the window to get it to "wake up" and it is now behaving nicely. lol
I'm very anxious to see the flowers on this one because last time it bloomed half peloric and half normal.