I've just discovered that one of my cockatiels snuck over to my orchid shelf by the window and chewed off one of my NOID phal spikes....

I'm so heartbroken! It was about 6" along and I was looking forward to seeing it bloom, of course. I have never seen any of them over there before, but they are flighted and I try to give them plenty of time each day out and about with me. No more un-closely-supervised playtime!
But I have to console myself a little and say that at least they didn't get their little beaks on any other plants over there. I only see a couple of little nips out of a leaf on the same phal. It could have been much worse. When they get in a chewing mood it's seek and destroy, but usually on more appropriate chew toys!
I needed to vent a little to my orchid enthusiast friends here so that I do not decide on some roasted cockatiel for dinner tonight. I'm glaring at all four of them now, trying to decide who looks the guiltiest. Better luck next year for my little phal.

Here are a few pics of the damage and the culprits. From L to R they are Willie, Pearl, Tony, and Stan.