Originally Posted by lindad3406
What did you get? I just ordered and got my new Phals from Big Leaf Orchids myself. I wish they would let people see their place as I live no more than 45 miles away from them. I got a Dtps Purple Martin 'KS' and P. Minitris 'Pelonic'. Small but very nice. Did you get a freebie?
I ordered the Phal. Brother Spring Dancer (sib X sib) and a Dtps. Sogo Vivien 'F858'. I was going for something that would be tolerant of my office conditions (bad light and low humidity). There were many many more I really wanted to order.

When I remember to take a camera to work, I'll take pictures, but they are not in spike at this time, I'll keep my fingers crossed that they will be happy with their less then perfect conditions. No freebies as of yet, it was my first time ordering from them, so perhaps next time!