Originally Posted by Dorothy
Going back to books, I have been told though I don't have it that Phalaenopsis: A Monograph by Eric A. Christenson is the Phal Bible. Much appreciation to anyone who wishes to comment about this book.
Hi Dorothy,
I just searched Amazon for that book and it costs USD$103- $125 for USED copies!!!!
It looks fabulous and it has some great photos and information! The reviews by other reader is also worth reading! I am really interested in the primary hybrids!
I did another search on Booktopia (Aust. website) and they are selling it NEW for AUD$62.96 (plus postage $6.50)!
Booktopia - Phalaenopsis : A Monograph, Eric A. Christenson, 9780881924947
How can I resist!!!
I love phals...
Thanks for suggesting the book!