Originally Posted by quiltergal
I pre-ordered from them for a show in February. I probably should have not accepted the plant as it wasn't that great looking for $40. It was one I wanted really bad and it's very hard to find. The roots weren't that great and got worse. It's still hanging on with one leaf (it only had 2 small ones to begin with) and a few roots. Been giving it Kelp-O-Max hoping for some new roots. Nothing so far. Under-impressed with Ten Shin Gardens.
Which did you order? I got my Ho's Lovely Amethyst for $15 at the end of the show, I got others from him too, great roots on them just needed to be repotted. After all, they are freshly imported, so we can't expect perfect plants. BUt I did have the benefit of not pre ordering so I could choose the healthiest ones.