Originally Posted by BKFSRS
Jayfar, How does CHC work for you overall? Just curious since we're in similar climates. I just converted most of my orchids to a CHC mix from repot me. It sounds like it's working for your White Dream!! Thanks
I'm now using it only for my larger pots with complex hybrids and mixing it with a generous portion of charcoal. Also note that I'm using slotted plastic pots. I make sure that I soak and drain it several times before use. Some people recommend adding epsom salts and calcium nitrate to the soak to help draw out the harmful salt. FirstRays has the calcium nitrate. I've just been using epsom salts, as I have a big container of that on hand.
I was using CHC more extensively for a while, but found that many Phals weren't liking it at all. Those I've migrated to New Zealand Sphag (with styro peanuts and sometimes charcoal).