So I decided to go ahead and trim down the spike another couple inches, as advised, because the black had already spread down to the node in just a couple days. Figured it would be a good opportunity to check on the roots as well.
I turns out all those okay-looking sort-of-mushy but not quite as bad as the really dead roots rotted some more, and had gotten black and mushy too. So I trimmed them away and trimmed some more only to find more mushy black stuff. I stumbled upon this thread here:
In the end I bit the bullet and cut away about half of the orchid's base

The one thing that gives me a bit of hope (beyond the rather remarkable recovery seen in the thread above) is that I do have a couple healthy roots left. Anyway, I soaked the base in hydrogen peroxide, treated the wound with cinnamon, and plan to get some root hormone today. My plant is currently laying on a paper towel drying...
I have read good things about the sphag and bag method... bad things too. I do have on old 2 gallon fish tank I was thinking I could suspend the plant in over some wet gravel. It has a lid with holes in it. Would this keep my plant humid enough? Do I even need to do this since my phal does still have those couple good roots left?
I realize this is just a cheap NoID plant that could easily be replaced but... perhaps because he was my first attempt at keeping a plant in years, or because its totally my fault he's struggling, but I've grown rather attached to my ailing little mutant

Any additional advice would be much appreciated.
---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------
Here's a picture of poor George. What's left of him anyway