A very happy ending?
Hello everyone! Like many of us my first orchid was phalaenopsis, a gift. It had never bloomed and in my orchid-ignorance all of the roots rotted. Still following this forum advise and against all odds I was able to nurse it back to life with new healthy roots and leaves, still after much time it din't spiked and to my discontent I was told It may never. Still I keep it for that of being my first one and since then I had gotten an Oncidium, a Cattleya and a Red-Sterm Epidendrum that are growing very happy and healthy. You can imagine my surprise when I found a SPIKE starting to grow on my Phal, after all this time!!! Seems like a fairy tale ending I know, one thing i notice however is that instead of being bright green, like other orchid , the spike has a rather dark purple color. Is this normal? If not, why does it have that color? you can imagine how close i feel to this orchid and now that it may flower I just can't contain my happiness!