Originally Posted by orchidsarefun
I have this plant too !
And its VERY irritating about the bud blast, it seems to be a genetic/inherited weakness as everyone who has one, appears to have the same problem.
That said, it is a very nice orchid, with great leaf colour and shape - not to mention fragrant flowers.
Yours is looking good.
When I first saw this plant I was shopping for a lea Marie Salazar and stumbled across a side by side comparison of the two plants and the flowers were such lookalikes. There were differences in shape of the flowers but they were quite similar. The main difference I saw was the price tag. The palace reef was half the price of the lea Marie. I now see why. The lea Marie carries more flowers ive heard and seen in pictures.
Originally Posted by Oscarman
Nice color and shape. That lips is neon! Too bad it doesn't hold more flowers - that would be killer.
It really would be killer!!! This is the best flower it has made since I've had it!! The size and barring is more prominent. I think cuz my growing area was a little cooler while it was developing it helped. I think the only way to hope for more flowers is for more spikes in the future so far it tries to make new spikes each year.