dormant or recuperating?
hello everyone i am new to this forum and i have a quick question. I bought a phal pink dancers a little over a month ago and i love it very much i thought the medium was pure medium bark chips but i noticed that it was still heavy after 4 days i watered it and i got curious. but before that, the bottom leaves started wilting and the buds were very slow in developing and led to bud blasts. that started my curiousity so i took it out of the pot and lo and behold.... a ball of moss in the center that was wet and just not good!!! i was pissed! cause the rest of the space was bark which is what you can see when i take it out of the ceramic pot. so immediately i trimmed off the dead roots, washed, cinnamon powder and all that and i replaced the medium to large bark chips. It has a spike coming out of a primary spike but it seems like it halted and now the bottom leaves looks like elephant skin but the two top leaves still look very healthy. do i just cut the spike off to give it energy on producing more roots?