Hi all! I'm a newbie in this forum. Just a quick introduction on how I got started. Ever since I was young I always had passion for plants and animals and most of the time I rescue them and save them. It just gives me a feeling of satisfaction and self worth whenever I get to save a dying animal or plant and this orchid bug got me just a little over a month ago!!! my room mate took home this orchid that was thrown in the garbage at one of the floors where he worked and it was already damaged. He thought it would be nice to have a plant in the bathroom so I did a research on what kind of orchid it was and so it was a phal which is also the most popular indoor orchid that is sold mostly everywhere from walmart to nurseries. from then on I had bought four and one is a mini! BTW I am not really new to orchids as I lived in the Philippines and we had tons of them but mostly dendrobiums and vandas which my grandmother took care of. I am just captivated by the phal's elegance and appeal. I have been trying to attach jpg. pics but it says security token missing?