Hey everyone Here is a grow log for my recently acquired Phalaenopsis stuartiana( just had it pointed out that this is not a Stuartiana

misinformed when i bought it i guess...if anyone knows what it is let me know!)
Dec 20th: Orchid acquired from a local grocery shop in excellent health. Upon arrival at my house i re-potted it using the same medium it came in but only 1/4 the amount.
The only reason i re-potted at all is because the moss was so insanely compact. It took me 2 hours to get all of the moss out from the roots and there was so much moss in crammed into the pot i managed to fill a grocery bag with it
The roots were still healthy though only a couple had started to turn yellow.
Dec 22nd: Orchid needed watering so i took this as an opportunity to supplement it with a solution of 50ppm paclobutrazol, and .5ppm indole butyric acid
The purpose of this was to strengthen the plants defenses against fungal contamination, stimulate root growth, eliminate transplant shock, increase drought tolerance, and increase leaf production the following year.
Finally a special Cytokinin paste was applied to two of the dormant node's on the flower spike to induce branching and the production of more flower.
I will be posting updates everytime i do anything to the plant and anytime new growth or any sort of changes are visible.
Oh and i guess i should let you know what i am using for lighting. I have a full spectrum "sunblaster" compact florescent it's worked well for me but i am sure i could have better lighting. I keep the light roughly 16 inches from the base of all my plants.
If any one has any tips or suggestions i would love to hear them!
Best regards,
Kevin Disher