Okay, so here is the complete geneology of Tying Shin Golden Rose that I myself completed. In the first line is the hybrid and its parents, and then after the space, you have the grandparents, and then another space, and then the great-grandparents, etc. One thing to note is that I do not trace the lineage of a hybrid that appears twice, otherwise this would be triple the size. An example would be Doris, which appears many times, but I only give its parents once after its first appearance, and then any time after that I do not repeat what its parents were. And for reference, here is a picture I pulled from the web of the May 2010 coverpage of Orchids for an idea of what this hybrid is.
Tying Shin Golden Rose= Sogo Lawrence x Tying Shin Golden Apple
Sogo Lawrence= Brother Peterstar x Brother Sara Gold
Tying Shin Golden Apple= Brother Precious Stones x Brother Sara Gold
Brother Peterstar= Sara Lee x Brother Stage
Brother Sara Gold= Sara Lee x Taipei Gold
Brother Precious Stones= Brother Fancy x Brother Purple
Sara Lee= Princess Lorraine x
Brother Stage= Taipei Gold x Golden Amboin
Taipei Gold= Gladys Read x
Brother Fancy= Brother Grape x Brother Peacock
Brother Purple= Golden Peoker x Brother Glamour
Princess Lorraine= Lady Ruby x Princess Kaiulani
Golden Amboin= Golden Sands x
Gladys Read= Jaunita x Grace Palm
Brother Grape= Paifang's Queen x Lung Ching's Grape
Brother Peacock= Paifang's Queen x Golden Peoker
Golden Peoker= Misty Green x Liu Tuen-Shen
Brother Glamour= Paifang's Queen x Hualien Glamour
Lady Ruby= Ruby Zada x Midlip
Princess Kaiulani=
violacea x
Golden Sands= Fenton Davis Avant x
Jaunita= Chief Tucker x Grace Palm
Grace Palm= Doris x Winged Victory
Paifang's Queen= Mount Kaala x
Lung Ching's Grape= Barbara Moler x George Vasquez
Misty Green= Barbara Moler x Bamboo Baby
Liu Tuen-Shen=
gigantea x Golden Sands
Hualien Glamour= Liu Tuen-Shen x Tainan's Golden Stars
Ruby Zada= Zada x Ruby Lips
Midlip= Ruby Lips x Elwyn Middleton
Fenton Davis Avant= Chieftain x Doctor Henry O. Eversole
Cheif Tucker= Chieftain x Thomas Tucker
Doris= Elisabethae x Katherine Siegwart
Winged Victory= Elisabethae x La Canada
Mount Kaala= Doreen x Elinor Shaffer
Barbara Moler= Donnie Brandt x Spica
George Vasquez=
violacea x Luedde-violacea
Bamboo Baby= Honey Dew x
Tainan's Golden Stars= Golden Sands x George Vasquez
Zada= San Songer x Doris
Ruby Lips= Roselle x Doris
Elwyn Middleton= Ruby Lips x Goleta
Chieftain= Doris x La Canada
Doctor Henry O. Eversole= Altadena x Winged Victory
Thomas Tucker= Doris x Karen
amabilis x
Katherine Siegwart=
amabilis x Gilles Gratiot
La Canada= Gilles Gratiot x Jeanne d'Arc
Doreen= Barbara Kirch x San Marino
Elinor Shaffer= Juanita x Doris
Donnie Brandt= Big Chief x Susan Merkel
fasciata x
lueddemanniana x
Honey Dew= Moon Monarch x Sunbeam
San Songer= Rêve Rose x Marmouset
Roselle= Elisabethae x equestris
Goleta= Doris x Margaret Bean
Altadena= La Canada x Psyché
Karen= Doris x Katherine Siegwart
Gilles Gratiot=
aphrodite x
Jeanne d'Arc= Gilles Gratiot x
Barbara Kirch= Jane L. Kingsbury x Monique
San Marino= Gilles Gratiot x Katherine Siegwart
Big Chief= Chieftain x Louise Georgianna
Susan Merkel= Chieftain x Palm Beach
Moon Monarch= Moonglow x Cast Iron Monarch
Sunbeam= Gigi x Sunrise
Rêve Rose= Alger x
Marmouset= Ninon x
Margaret Bean= Doris x Altadena
Psyché= Gilles Gratiot x Perle Blanche
Jane L. Kingsbury=
amabilis x Elisabethae
Monique= Gilles Gratiot x
Louise Georgianna= Doris x Venustus
Palm Beach= Doris x Cast Iron Monarch
Moonglow= Springtime x
Cast Iron Monarch= Louise Georgianna x Doris
Gigi= Pink Sunset x Diamond Head
Sunrise= Lively Suzan x Roselle
aphrodite x
Ninon= Alger x Grand Condé
Perle Blanche= Ariadne x Rothschildiana
Venustus= Elisabethae x Gilles Gratiot
Springtime= Summer Cloud x Doris
Pink Sunset= Rêve Rose x Pamela
Diamond Head= Monique x Doris
Lively Suzan= Bataan x
Grand Condé=
sanderiana x
aphrodite x
amabilis x
Summer Cloud= Elisabethae x Mont Blanc
Pamela= Elisabethae x Fontainebleau
amabilis x
Mont Blanc= Elisabethae x Jeanne d'Arc
schilleriana x Wiganiae
schilleriana x
Ok, as you can see, this is a VERY long geneology with many species in its background, many of them being species from subgenus Polychilos. However, if you follow the lines that do end in novelty species, they are quite short, and the other portion of the geneology are hybrids that compose solely of standard species. Now I'm not quite sure where in the lines the standard species/hybrids turned into tetraploids, and where or what hybrids involving the novelty species went from triploid to tetraploid, but I'm sure the last two or three generations are solid tetraploids. Next I'm going to post geneology of Ben's hybrid posted in this thread, and you'll definitely see the difference in the ancestry.