Well, I was finally able to bring my plants to the school to get their pictures done today!

After learning from my mistakes, I changed the settings to get a light level that appeared way too bright on the camera's screen, but it looked perfect on the teacher's Mac. I guess following the normal trend, it may be a pinch darker here, but from what I'm seeing on my Photobucket, it shoud be fine. I may adjust the colours a pinch tomorrow if I have time, but I may not really need to.
Anyways, I'm glad to finally get to see this KR in its full splendor of blooming of a brand new inflorescence. When I bought it (this spring or last fall. . . :think: ) it only made a few blooms on an old inflorescence and then made a kieki. Now the kieki is potted up and has a spike of its own in bud, and the mother has this spike plus a second that is about half way to making buds. Maybe after the Christmas break I'll take it back to get some pictures with both spikes hopefully in bloom. I was in a rush today, so I wasn't able to get plant shots.