This is a shot of my NOID phal that I call Daffodil. Its a little root happy right grew into the baby Cat's in front and now I have to move the two together for awhile.
it sure wants a new pot all right - though its in a clear one now - I have it in a terrarium that holds in a good amount of moisture so all of them continously produce those huge air roots. I have a couple i took out and their air roots have started to dry up - though they are still happy enough to put out new leaves and one spike.
So its been a long while since i visited and posted updated pics of my orchids...My phal that i call daffodil has continued to grow and grow - I had to take it out of the terrarium and am now trying to find it a safe new home somewhere in the house...(new kitten thinks the roots are great toys) second pic is the reason i have been away for so long...slightly different project. third photo is a keiki blooming for the first time, the parent plant didn't make it. fourth pic is a rescue phal finally blooming again after a few years. have to get a pic of my setup later and post it. its a mix of orchids and hybiscus seedlings...
so i also have a question about the cattleya - first pic, second mass of roots. it obviously needs to have something done with it, its growing bulbs outside of the pot and roots everywhere. i have no idea how you are supposed to go about splitting this into a couple more manageable plants - or if its even possible with this one, the roots are super entangled...