Anyone knowledgeable on Phalaenopsis Leopard Prince?
Mine finished blooming. While at Home Depot yesterday, they had over 20 Phal. Leopard Prince. They looked so fresh and nice, but when I examined each plant, the flowers were all floppy.
some had larger flowers than other, some had double spikes, some had branched spikes.
Anyways, my main question is if flowers being floppy is normal for this hybrid.
Mine was rather floppy as well.
Edit: I see you mentioned there that the flowers are floppy! Sorry, I don't think I can be more help with this hybrid. Floppy flowers makes me think that it's not getting enough water, but if you've checked the roots and you're happy with them, then it's a very odd problem indeed.
I have that orchid plant but I am not an expert on Phals.
The flowers must not be floppy. I have mine really large and perky on its spike....maybe the travel from the farm to the store and the handling of the plants made the flowers floppy....maybe if they sprayed it and refreshed the plants more often with humidity and air....then it will return itself to its former glory
I don't buy plants that look not too great. They are cheap but still, I had to just leave them where they were.
On a happier note, my partner just got me Leopard Prince as a gift just yesterday.
This one has perfectly shaped&perked up flowers with branching! The color is rather saturated and flowers are smaller than usual types, but still beautiful.
Loving every moment of it!
There isn't one best angle to look at, so I'm posting three.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 08-18-2014 at 04:43 PM..
Snap! I have the exact same type -Leopard Prince. There is some variation in the way that it looks though so I am glad that you too call it L/P. I got mine from Ikea for a £4.79 I love it. It is still in bloom and I got it in May. I love the spotted lip on it. My blooms where never floppy so maybe it just needed a drink.
I have three LP and all look slightly different. One I recently bought (with floppy look) is the same look as the one Bud has.
That is my favorite pattern. basically the same thing as this one, just brighter tone overall.
It's a new taste for me as I used to hate spotted flowers. I still can't get over certain spotted flowers though. lol
Susie, yours looks like a twin of mine with two branching side spikes. lol
Flowers are very similar except yours have more veins showing. I think there are many variations within the grex.