Hi all
This was the first orchid I ever had (it was a present from Toyota when I bought my car!). It hasn't bloomed for quite a few years - for nearly 3 years (some of you may remember the threads on here), it was growing a keiki which refused to send roots out until it was a couple of years old (now growing very well in its own pot these days). Once baby was gone, I re-potted and the spike it sent up once it was settled went a really weird and so I cut it off before it developed more than 6 inches.
So, long story cut short, here she is now

Flowering off one spike with four branches. The only odd bit is the white centre of the flower close to the bottom seems to have 'smudged'. It's the only one that's done it
PS as some of you know, I name my NoIDs. So, in case you're wondering, since it came from Toyota, this one's called 'Toya' !