Walnut Looking Flower Buds
I went against my better judgement and bought a Phal (DTPS. Chian Xen Pearl x Red Cat) at Lowes a few months ago because of the brilliant deep burgundy color which I had never seen before. One bud was open, but all the others were still closed, on 2 flower spikes. I waited and waited, but the other buds never opened. But as time went on the buds developed a texture on the outside that looked like the outside of a walnut shell; there's no better way to describe it, and it would progressively get worse and just never open. Since I was getting nowhere, I decided to totally remove one of the flower spikes and cut the other one down to a healthy looking node. I was surprised at how fast the cut spike produced 2 branches and about 8 flower buds all together. Well, they started out nice enough, but again they have started getting that walnut shell texture and not opening. Is it possibly a bad spike, a bad plant? I have no idea, so ay suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to get this orchid to bloom correctly if possible. Thanks again.