This is a cross that Joy Orchids has sold seedlings of for several years. I don't think I've seen one in the last couple years, so maybe they have finally sold out. I'm addicted to white/greens so I have 3 of these.
I bought this one as a tiny seedling in 2007. I've posted pics of it several times. I'm nuts for it. It's growing now like it never has before, and I'm looking forward to multiple spikes and blooms in the future. Ugh... I should have put something around the pot.
I bought this from Big Leaf Orchids in 2009. It was a small plant, and it never did well. A few anemic bad flowers opened over the years, and I've almost tossed it a couple times. However, I always felt that I hadn't grow it well. So I kept it thinking one day I would see its true potential, and I'd know whether I should keep it or not. This is unlike any others I've seen. It's very green and the flower is pancake flat. Since I moved it into s/h it has grown great. It still has some scars from its previous poor culture so I didn't take a picture of the whole plant.
This is a small stem prop I made of a friend's plant. This is a tiny plant on its first bloom, so it will improve next year.