Phal Yin's Green Jewel 'L'
Yet another solid pick-up from Peach State Orchids. This is a larger plant that had previously bloomed when I bought it, but couldn't resist a multiple spiked plant that had good breeding potential. It's in it's blooming prime right now with 14 buds on 5 active spikes, but this is the first couple flowers open. Color at the tip is a very light green fading to yellow to white towards the column. It's brushed with some interesting redish spots on the lower sepals. You can barely see it, but the dorsal sepal has a light brownish color halo right above the column which I really like. Form isn't the best, but flower is 5.1cm across, and with the bud count, I really like it.
Edit: Had to change the clone name, as it's been determined this was a previously named clone. Sadly 'L' isn't the best clone name...
Last edited by zxyqu; 03-13-2012 at 07:02 PM..