I just wanted to tell you about my friend's Phal...
THING is a monster when it comes to producing spikes and growing in general (it looks a bit like a mass of leaves and roots). I think it had two spikes when she bought it some years ago. Its record, so far, is nine, NINE, spikes! The old spikes refused to wilt and it produced more and more new ones. The really silly thing is the fact that the spikes only had one flower each so it didn't look like Phal at all.
This is an just a Noid Phal that has gone a bit...insane. Or it could be my friends fault since all of her Phals turn into monsters after staying with her for a while. I think she must be feeding them with some Phalzilla-steroid mixture...
Yes, I'm trying to get her to join OB and she is interested but no luck so far.