Lol nice dusty leaves... No worries I have them too! If you want a tip, try a neem oil water and very small amount of organic soap solution to clean the leaves... Leaves them with a brilliant shine but keep out of direct sunlight.
Lol nice dusty leaves... No worries I have them too! If you want a tip, try a neem oil water and very small amount of organic soap solution to clean the leaves... Leaves them with a brilliant shine but keep out of direct sunlight.
Good job on the spikes! Tis the season, finally!
Thanks for the tip! I shall look out for some neem oil. Until then the duster will have to do.
Lol. I will give them a clean / polish. I don't mind at all. It's just that I will have to do everything in that case; the phrags the paph the oncids etc etc ..... My weekend is already over before it's began.
I jest! Nothing is too much for my 'chids!!