Wow Unique!!!! it's really pretty , whatever it may be.....most of my phals are NOIDs and thats ok with me, because they are all orchids, and for me to really try to find out the actual name is almost impossible as Dennis, another member of the OB, as pointed out in the past. With all the hybrids and clones, many say it is impossible to know for sure and alot of hard work to name the crosses. If you love your 'chids, as I can see you do, don't worry if noone can identify you NOID, as long as you enjoy it! Hope this helps, I had a hard time convincing myself that it was okay to have NOIDs, and that I wanted a "name" for all of them. Now I just accept it and still will pick up NOIDs that need "rescued" and know that with proper care, it will flower and grow for me with or without a name!!!!