I have a question regarding one of my phals ...
Back in May I purchased a mericlone of Dtps. Jim 'Brennan's Orchids' AM/AOS.
It is a gorgeous red color which filled in my dozen +/- "small" collection nicely.
The plant arrived very healthy with one small keiki! Alas, there was no spike.
I repotted the plant and placed it in the greenhouse. I use KLN whenever I repot at half the recommended strength. I have used none since.
I water as needed which is about every three days and only fertilize once about every ten days with half strength "r/o fertilizer" + half strength Superthrive.
Otherwise they get straight r/o water...anything more will get salt build up.
The plant has grown one additional leaf and now has another coming
...no spike yet.
The plant has grown tons of new roots
...no spike yet.
The problem: I have SIX basal keiki AT LEAST on this plant now
...no spike yet
My concern is that the energy of this plant is getting misdirected. Don't get me wrong, I like one or two keiki to fill out the plant and make it specimen-like but what I really would like are some flowers
Furthermore, I am concerned the mother plant will begin to fail with all these "parasites"
I'd appreciate all thoughts and suggestions to get this plant back on track.