People, this week I would like to send a proposed order to Sogo to see if they will send it to us even if we are 9,950+ short of their normal ordering stipulation. So, with that in mind could you let me know what you might possibly want from them to see if I can get a price for the plants etc. I'll do all the leg work etc. and mail everything on to those who have placed orders. Obviously any order would have to be for UK/European growers. The more plants we request the more likely they are to send them. I reckon three plants or more each would be a reasonable amount to order without needing a mortgage to pay for them. If we can order around fifty or even a hundred plants this could tip the odds in our favour. I'll send the proposed order off next Monday morning so that should give you plenty of time to dream about what you would like. The order sent will only be to find out what they will charge for plants, shipping etc.,
it will not constitute a real order and wont be binding and we can take it from there. Thank you!