I'm not sure where you get them in the USA, though I know it's a popular one over there as well.
The names 'Holm', 'Maria Theresa' and 'Levengood' are cultivar names. These are specific plants which have shown good characteristics and have then been cloned for people to buy. The cultivar name can only be used for the original plant with that name and for any clones of it (or keikis). If you did a seed cross of a 'holm' with another 'holm' the seedlings would NOT be 'holm' as seedlings are not identical to their parents.
'Holm' is a very popular one, I've not actually come accross the others. Mine is very close to the look of 'Holm' but as it was not labled as that I can't know that it is a clone of this cultivar so can't use that name.