Originally Posted by Daisycwd
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Whoo Hooo!! That will help your Phals! I've reported that post.
Anyway, I saw this post a few days ago. I've been reluctant to reply because these are hard, and what I do might work for you and it might not. You're going to have to play it by ear some, but I'll bet you'll do fine.
That being said,....Big Leaf does an import of seedlings from Taiwan 1-2 times a year. They come bare root. Sometimes the roots are broken and withered. Sometimes they are tiny. Sometimes they aren't so bad. He is kind of at the mercy of what he is sent.
I generally have good luck. I under pot them in a small layer of sphagnum. The sphagnum has been soaked in water with a few drops of Superthrive, and then the water wrung out of it until its soft and fluffy. I spread out the roots, pack the plant in pretty snug, and I don't water them again until they have dried out completely. Probably a week or so. In a plant that I put into a 3.25" pot I might use 2" sphagnum. In a plant I put into a seedling pot, I might use 1" sphagnum. If it weren't after midnight, I'd go take pictures for you.
I definitely wouldn't soak them in anything with sugar. I think the important part is making sure you let them dry out good between waterings. After potting, I spray them good every week or so with Phyton27. A mixture of Physan would work just as good. I have found as these adjust they seem to be prone to crown rot, but the seedlings I've potted have usually been small. You might be getting larger plants.
Hmmm... if you get larger plants with decent roots that are just broken and are wet from that sphagnum they come in, I'd let them dry good and spray then with a dilute mixture of Physan before potting. Then do like I wrote above. Shallow layer of sphagnum, and let it dry out completely between waterings.
Many people are not comfortable with poting in all sphagnum. I don't blame them. If you aren't, mix in some bark. Same rules apply. Don't water again until the mix is completely dry. If you're not sure, then wait another day.
Good luck!! Enjoy your haul of Phals. 16 all at once? Crazy!! Lucky