This picture was from a couple of years ago when it double spiked. It's currently in spike but not blooming yet. I call it Ruffles.
I don't think I need to put a pic of my current bloomer. Everyone must have the exact same NOID. This must be a common one. My phal looks exactly like this!
I don't think I need to put a pic of my current bloomer. Everyone must have the exact same NOID. This must be a common one. My phal looks exactly like this!
Does yours have ruffled petals too? I've never seen another one that consistently blooms with all ruffled petals. (That's really the only reason I still have it.)
Great idea for a thread! Everyone has such beautiful Phals!
My only bloomed noid Phal(s) - my Farmer's Market Twins
Came with two big plants in a small pot, and they didn't want to come apart when I repotted, so they remain together. With the small, light colored flowers, it's very hard for me to photograph, so apologies for the poor photos.
I agree, nothing wrong with NOIDs. I really enjoy this topic! Whabbit, what a good looking hybrid you have there! So healthy looking and so many spikes!