Originally Posted by Lilly B
That is one exceptional color with a scent to boot, WOW!! When psyc said it also reblooms off of old spikes well that just put it over the top. I need to welcome one of these Phals into my home.
Thanks for sharing Pilot.
Many phals that have genes from warm-growing plants will often rebloom on old spikes. Violacea and bellina being two that are known rebloomers. The best way to tell if a plant is likely to have a scent and rebloom is to look for those shorter, lighter green spikes and flowers of waxy texture. This isn't a guarantee but in general, if you can find a plant with violacea/bellina or other warm-growing, scented plant genes in them (search the orchid registries) you'll have a plant that will give you new spikes but also bloom on old ones. They become impressive after several years.