Why is my Stem shorter this year?
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:27 AM
Cattleya17 Cattleya17 is offline
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Default Why is my Stem shorter this year?

hello all how are you doing? i hope all is well and that those of you are all staying warm!

I have a standard phalaenopsis its name is Phal. Sogo Yukidian 'Odoms Snowfall'. Last year the stem was very tall and thicker and now the stem is thinner and it is also a third the height and is now producing its first flower bud it didn't even reach the top of the stake like it did last year, then it made its first bud.

So my question is why? did i do something wrong to cause this change in flowering or is every year different? Please help Im just confused. here is what it looked like last year

As you can see (the white one) it reached beyond the top of the stake before making buds
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:34 AM
Royal Royal is offline
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It's all about culture. Did you buy it last year? If you're anything like me, chances are you don't have the same conditions as a commercial greenhouse. Growing a plant to its full potential takes optimal water, nutrition, light, humidity, and temps. It's a challenge in a greenhouse, much less a windowsill.
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:09 PM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Why is my Stem shorter this year? Male

I have to agree with the previous post-- it comes down to culture. However, I do think you can do better next year and achieve a bigger spike. While its true greenhouse culture likely gives the plant its best shot at growing to its full potential, I also believe you can meet the plant's needs pretty easily.

Have you considered semi-hydroponics? Our standard phals do very very well in it and it makes it very easy to make sure the plant is getting not just what it needs to survive, but to thrive. Just something to consider. Since growing in s/h I've gotten orchids to grow BETTER than when I got them from a greenhouse grower etc. Between more attention and growing in s/h, my culture for them has been better in my little part of the world.
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Old 01-13-2011, 01:57 PM
Cattleya17 Cattleya17 is offline
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You know i have considered it! i was actually gonna do it last year but i chickened out! im still apprehensive nervous. ive never grown any plant like that before! so to be honest im kinda scared! i would need to know the basics!

The plant in question is growing in hydroton but just not semi hydro. i have a catt growing this way too and its happy but the phal now has the shorter spike so im not so sure..

Last edited by Cattleya17; 01-13-2011 at 02:05 PM..
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Old 01-13-2011, 02:53 PM
Pilot Pilot is offline
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Why is my Stem shorter this year? Male

Originally Posted by Cattleya17 View Post
You know i have considered it! i was actually gonna do it last year but i chickened out! im still apprehensive nervous. ive never grown any plant like that before! so to be honest im kinda scared! i would need to know the basics!

The plant in question is growing in hydroton but just not semi hydro. i have a catt growing this way too and its happy but the phal now has the shorter spike so im not so sure..
I understand your apprehension. However, the only reason your phal may have this smaller spike may be because it didn't have enough of the goodness you gave it at the right time-- s/h pretty much fixes that by having what the plant will need at any given time.

I've lost two phals converting them to s/h-- one was a weak plant already and another just didn't work out-- no particular reason. However, I have 35 phals that did work out and have grown amazingly well. People at my garden center do not believe me when I tell them of my plants and their success-- so I've started taking photos to prove it. The very first phal I ever bought and the first to ever go into s/h is a NOID I call Monster (because it has grown so large) and it is spiking right now with 4 spikes-- all new spikes. The bud count is well over 50 with almost half of them open and just last week I discovered that it is also beginning to branch those same spikes.

So, you need to do what you're comfortable with but the good thing is, these are just plants-- if it doesn't work out its ok. If it does, then you're in for an amazing plant!

I also have another phal-- one of my favorites. It grew only 6 blooms last year and I was bummed-- hoping it would do better in s/h-- which it did but I don't think it had the time to really sink its roots in before it spiked again. But this year I got it to spike-- only one, but it has branched so heavily that it too has close to 50 buds on it.

The point of saying any of this is to show the results. I'm no master gardener and I probably do loads of things wrong with my plants-- but s/h has made orchid culture, for me, as easy as it can get.

Check our Ray's site at First Rays Orchids and you'll find all the info you need. I have found in my own experience that the BEST little thing I could do to help along my newly plant s/h pots was to add bottom heat from a seeding mat-- works every ....single....time.

Of course, you can always PM me if you have any questions etc.

BTW-- your plants, even if the spike is smaller than last-- are beautiful! With a little tweak of your hydroton culture, I think you'll be amazed at how much bigger they'll get for you.
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Old 01-13-2011, 05:16 PM
Cattleya17 Cattleya17 is offline
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Thanks soo Much Ryan i will check that out for sure!
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Old 01-19-2011, 12:28 AM
Lady Tottington Lady Tottington is offline
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Why is my Stem shorter this year? Female

Originally Posted by Pilot View Post
... However, I have 35 phals that did work out and have grown amazingly well. People at my garden center do not believe me when I tell them of my plants and their success-- so I've started taking photos to prove it. The very first phal I ever bought and the first to ever go into s/h is a NOID I call Monster (because it has grown so large) and it is spiking right now with 4 spikes-- all new spikes. The bud count is well over 50 with almost half of them open and just last week I discovered that it is also beginning to branch those same spikes.
I would love to see photos of Monster if you have them Ryan! I am trying to get the nerve to try S/H, but I keep chickening out, too fearful

Thanks for your post. I really need to do more reading and just order a trial thing from First Rays and go for it!
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