I went to Orchidview a couple weeks ago, and I took a few pics. Its late in the season and there wasn't much in bloom, but I got a few. Also despite being sunny and hot for weeks, this day it was cloudy. That made good pictures hard to come by. As always HP, Katherine, Fifi, and Tyler were great company. I'll number them if you have any comments.
DISCLAIMER!! When you look at these pics, remember that many of the plants are first bloom seedlings or they are have been open in the heat for weeks. Not everything is a mature plant with a fresh bloom. The flowers reflect what was open when I was there.
DISCLAIMER #2: I have no financial or other interest in Orchidview. I'm just a big fan of them and their orchids.
01: violacea
02: bellina
03: Something Frank Smith gave them
04: bellina
05: violacea alba 'Angel Wings'
06: violacea 'Blue Chip'- It has not liked the heat. I saw it when it wasn't so hot a couple years ago and it was beautiful and round.
07: violacea 'Mademoiselle Blue' (I think)
08: Same as above
09: amboinensis (HP's Gift x Hackneau II)
10: equestris
11: A couple of the now famous Orchidview blue Sameras. I like the green picotee that turns to light purple and then indigo.
12: Samera
13: Another violacea with green tips.
14: Out of focus but you can see all the blues, magentas, and bellinas. It was awesome.
15: Some mounted things.
16: OK, this was the jewel of the day. It was just opening that morning. This picture looks photo shopped.... it is not. This flower was this electric hot pink. There were no color breaks or anything. It was amazing. We all kept looking at it.
17: This was the second jewel of the day. Looks like bad form and lighter indigo, but it too was just opening, so it is cupped towards you, which makes the form look bad. We could tell the form was going to be excellent. Also, it is much darker, but the photographer isn't that great, so it looks light. I believe Katherine named this one 'Adelaide Blue'
18: venosa
19: venosa
20: venosa
21: venosa