While at June's Orchid Estate Grand Opening, we were allowed to tour all of the greenhouses, but were told that none of the plants in them were for sale at the time, until they had a chance to catalog and grade them.
I happened upon this cross and instantly fell in love.
In seeing the photo, my husband even remarked on it's beauty!
So....when we returned I inquired about it and was told that it was the only one they had and not for sale...I must have had a sorrowful look on my face as Glen took pity on me and allowed me to purchase it, even though he'd been admiring it himself

In doing some research on it...I'm a bit confused and need a little help with the naming. I've looked it up on Orchidwiz and it shows this cross as being named Ethel, but further down it shows the same cross as Adventure...
The curious thing is that on the first cross even though I am searching under victoria-regina, it lists the pollen parent as chamberlainianum (which I know is a synonym for victoria-regina), but the Adventure parentage lists the pollen parent as victoria-regina.
Are you confused yet ?? 'cause I am.
Any ideas in which would be the accepted name that I should use ???
By the way...I did try calling Sue to get her expertise, but I thinking after spending yesterday together she is avoiding my call

The first photo is when I originally saw this plant and the second is when she arrived at her new home!