I bought it on ebay knowing only the photos of its parents. The guy(seller) said it's a new cross and no one has ever seen it blooming. I thought I'll make myself a surprise, but frankly, this phal is not in my taste, and had I seen the blooms at the time of purchasing, I wouldn't have bought it
thanks, I'd rather pass, there is too much work to do read, and fill out, and send... I enjoy it with its weird name, or I can give it a nik, say Yelly, how's that?
Sorry, but I forgot the name of the seller, and I deleted the transaction from my account, I guess you can type in the name and search title and description, maybe that would help...
It's ok Pupka! I'm just really glad that you shared your pic! I've been looking for a pale yellow phal that isn't "waxy" and "vanda-ish." No offence vanda lovers! I actually have a vanda on the way...it'll be my first!