So i went to rona's(kinda like lowes only canadian), wanting to buy an orchid. of course i thought they would be about $15, when i noticed one that said $9.99 so i grabbed it and a bag of orchid mix and went to the counter to pay for it. once i got it the car i noticed it was on clearance for $2
!!!!!!!!! so i might so back and buy a couple more and maybe experiment with mounting one. it says its a
Phalaenopsis sogo gotris it also said it was a mini so im happy about that. it's in an exo-terra along with a nepenthes(tropical pitcher plant) and some moss. it also gets misted every other day and watered when necessary...
Here it is now...
After removing dead roots
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planted in half coconut with drainage holes(i like the natural look)
Close up of "soil" i think it's bark(obviously), sphagnum moss and peat.
the "greenhouse"
Here's what i can't wait for...