Ron... oh, Ron.... trust us, and I believe I can speak for all of us, that we know all too well your artistic photographic skills. Since you shared with us just how well your son is following in "Dad's footsteps" I thought it was a great opportunity to raze you just a little bit. I'm sure, because of what you've taught your son, he will go off on his own and establish himself.
Karen's right, Howard. I post some of my wife's pictures on Flickr (not of orchids) and feel more pleased when they do well than when my own do. The same with Edward.
Last edited by ronaldhanko; 12-29-2009 at 02:39 PM..
Karen's right, Howard. I post some of my wife's pictures on Flickr (not of orchids) aqnd feel more pleased when they do well than when my own do. The same with Edward.
'Ya' think that's because we love them sooooo much and want more for them than we ever wanted for ourselves.... Thanks for all you do for all of us here on this website.
'Ya' think that's because we love them sooooo much and want more for them than we ever wanted for ourselves.... Thanks for all you do for all of us here on this website.
It's nice, Howard, to have a place where you can talk orchids and other things and where you get to know people at least long-distance.