I re-read your post. So I'll make a few more additional comments. I hope you don't mind.
Originally Posted by aries23
I wanted to repot the phal orchid but was advised not to bc it was in bloom.
Repotting the Phal when it's in bloom will usually not affect the flowers unless the roots are damaged during the process.
Let's say the repotting does make the blooms drop.
I come from the school of: "It's better to save the plant and see it blossom the next cycle, than to lose the plant not see flowers and buy a new plant."
See how much of a pain the latter part of the saying was?
Originally Posted by aries23
But the roots were great when I purchased it.
The plant's health and condition can change unexpectedly. Need I say more?
Originally Posted by aries23
I def think that the misting is causing the roots to rot on the top because I was very careful and made sure that I cleaned the water out of the crown , with a tooth pick and cotton.
While I'm not doubting the
misting may have caused the top roots to rot. I think there's a bit of confusion between what root rot is and what crown rot is.
Crown rot and root rot may be caused by the same bacteria or fungi, but they occur in different areas of the plant.
Root rot is self explanatory.
Crown rot occurs within the folds and recesses of the Phal's leaves. Usually as a result of a critically damaged apical meristem (the apical meristem is a tiny cluster of cells at the growing ends of the plant, if this group of cells die, it's game over - the apical meristem I'm referring to with the crown rot scenario, lies within the folds of the leaves and usually is the source of new leaves).
You can look up apical meristem on the internet if you want to learn more. There should be lots of information about it. But I won't go too deep into it because it's too technical.

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