My Phal. Baldan's Kaleidoscope 'Golden Treasure' has 2 blossoms next to each other .The one on the left was in bloom 12-13-06,and the one on the right opened 3-1-07.The older one is in good condition,but looks pretty bleached from old age.
I have a phal sago that the coloration is changing in the older blooms and this is only my opinion is that it's from the light exposure. The blooms on my phal that are closer to the window are faded just a bit. If there was any other changes like watering regimen, fert than the whole plant would be showing this discoloration. Your blessed the best of both worlds 2 different color having a 2nd one in the same pot
Cheryl, I think it's just color fade do to age of the blossom. Just my opinion, but I've seen it over many years and as blossoms fade they get pale-looking.
With that said, I walked my little fingers to do a bit of goggling...yep, that is what I had found the older the bloom the more they have a tendency to fade....must be why I am's fade
Thank you for your responses. I think I would buy a plant that had either one of those blossoms (both would make it more interesting). The plant is in bright light,and the older blossom is a pretty good age,so the color change could be a combination of the two.
And yes, aging does fade your hair,thus my "silberhaarig" meaning silver hair.
Many phals fade as they age - sometimes a short time after they have opened - and is an undesirable characteristic. In your case the flower has been open for 2 1/2 months. I think that some fading is expected! Amazing that it is still on the plant! Usually lighter substance flowers like Baldans K would be expected to fade sooner.
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