Several months ago I saw a gorgeous Phal in my local garden center which was labled as
Anthura Gold.
I commented to my husband that it looked really like one which was on my wishlist called Baldans Kaleidoscope.
They had a whole shelf full of them and I sooooo wanted one. But hubby and I were on a very tight buget and I resited.
Today I went in there and spotted that they had a few left on the discount table. This one had just one flower left, a new leaf starting to grow, and actively growing root tips visible and was only £5. I snapped it up.
I've just been looking at Anthura Gold online though and none of the pictures look anything like this. They are all more of a plain yellow. (Mine has deeper colour than the pic below seems to show, it looks more washed out in the pic than it really is).
I notice on the website of Anthura that they list Baldans Kaleidoscope and I think this looks
far more like it than Anthura Gold.
Anthurium and Phalaenopsis young plants by Anthura B.V.
So I guess it's a NoID as it certainly isn't Anthura Gold

But I don't really mind, it's close enough to Baldans Kaleidoscope for me, even it it's not really that.