I'm still waiting for the hottest part of summer to pass before ordering from Odom's...but..I was in the grocery the other day and they had just received a shipment of Phals, $10 per, so I couldn't pass up the flowers for an early start to growing Phals..thought I'd give these a go and see if I can keep them alive til mid September than order some more...
so they are pretty, they are healthy, lots of nice green roots in the clear plastic pots, inside the terra cotta cache pots... need to be repotted to bigger pots tho..should I wait til they are finished blooming? also..they are blooming now, does this mean that they are and will continue to be summer bloomers?
here is some pics..
Orchids - a set on Flickr ...all but one had a tag and the tags mesh with what I found online..
Dtps. Taida Salu 'Alisan'-- heavy burgundy striping over yellow
Dtps. Sinica Cherry-- intense raspberry purple, smaller flowers,many flowers, branching, two spikes
Phal Exotic Fire--peachy pink with faint stripin
Dtps ( Achy Breaky Heart x Phal. Fifi)..white with red lip
NOID white..nice traditional white big rounded flowers, 2 plants in pot...
anyway...thanks again for the help..I'm going to try my beginner group before moving on up....this could get addictive...lol