It all depends on your growing conditions and watering habits. I grow my orchids in a very warm grow room, with growlights and a fan. I put all my phals into sphag, and even with sphag, I have to water a lot. The little pots every few days, even the big ones often need it more than once a week. When I used to grow in bark, I just couldn't keep up with the watering. I grow my minicatts in a fine bark mix that includes some sphag, for the same reason.
If I move these plants into a darker living area of the house, though, then I'm usually watering way less than once a week.
I just don't like to water on a schedule. I prefer to try to figure out when the plants need water, and give it to them then. It's harder, and it takes longer, but I get better results that way.