Just for grins, if you want to see some CRAZY roots, start using that fish and seaweed fertilizer! We have a less-than-polite term for it on Peter's forum, and I politely call it 'Low Tide' - but I can see amazing root changes since starting to use it (I alternate that with MSU on a weekly basis). The vandas show the most extreme response - with the root diameter double or triple what it was before. Positively obscene! But the phals love it and I've seen comparable if less dramatic/visible results both in root and leaf health.
By the way, I do grow in a greenhouse, and the only change accounting for the response has been that stinky but wonderful stuff. My phals are both mounted (on cork, treefern, or in tipped vanda baskets with a bit of sphagnum) and potted (primarily in straight NZ sphagnum). The vandas are grown essentially without medium.