Hi Everyone!
last year i was given a phal. orchid which was in bloom. The flowers died off and I had it indoors for a while hoping they would come back. They didn't for a LONG time so I put the plant outside, it is doing alot better there and there is now some growth about 1/2 way up the stem (leaves) and starting from the tip down the stem has started to get brown. the discoloration is now just about where the new leaves are growing so im not sure if i should clip the stem off right after the leaves or to leave it and see what happens. Please let me know what to do as I really dont want to kill my plant since it seems to be doing a bit better. Thanks guys!!!
Last edited by KarisaMasson; 04-26-2009 at 05:45 PM..
Reason: want to add picture
The new leaves is a Keiki, a baby plant. Clip the spike (stem) down to just above the Keiki as it is dead. Let the Keiki grow. When it has at least 3 roots, you can clip it off and pot it up.
Ah, now that I see it I agree completely with Al. I'd like to add, though, that you should not only have three roots, but a total root measurement of about 4 inches, when you clip the keiki off to pot on it's own. Congratulations!