This is such a funny story to me...So, I recently received my Oak Hill order of the OB Project 8 plant and traveling companions. And my bf gave me one of those looks...more orchids??
Yesterday, UPS buzzed, and I wasn't expecting anything so when I got downstairs to the door, I was double-surprised at seeing a super-tall box (just about as tall as I am...around 5'4") with the words "Fragile – This Side Up – Live Plant" on it. Lugged it upstairs, and opened the attached card before opening the box. It was a gift for my bf and me from friends of his (we recently made it official and filed with the city as domestic partners.) So, we opened the box, and whayda know...the HUGEST, monster Phal I have ever seen. I couldn't stop laughing, shocked at its size, and of course b/c it was ANOTHER orchid! From one of HIS friends!
It didn't have an ID tag, and I could be mistaken, but it looks very much like Baldan's Kaleidoscope to me.
For those of you here at the OB who know me, you probably know I pretty much stick to minis b/c my apartment is spatially challenged (and of course, my bf doesn't want me to take over the whole place.) Check out the size of this guy....