Hi everyone,
This is my second Phal and I just can't seem to get it right! The first one I had, I overwatered and by the time I figured out what I was doing wrong, it was too late. I went to re-pot and all the roots were rotted.
I have had my current phal for 2 years, and it has not re-flowered since i got it. I thought I had been very careful not to over-water it, but when the leaves started wilting i decided to repot it and inspect to see what was going on. It was planted in spagnum moss. Most of the roots looked fine, but i trimmed away the brown ones and potted it in orchid bark just to be on the safe side. That was over a month ago and it just keeps getting worse! I thought maybe I was
underwatering since putting it in the bark so I've been watering it twice a week and
misting it daily. Now I am afraid I may have given it crown rot!
All of the roots (both in the bark and growing on top) look healthy. All of the leaves have gotten limp and wrinkled. There are currently 6 leaves. One of the leaves- the second from the bottom-has a yellowish tint to it and is brown and dried up around the edges. I am used to a leaf being shed here and there, but usally it is the bottom most leaf. Even more concerning to me is that the newest leaf which is still smaller than the rest has turned slightly yellowish, seems to be pitted and has folded in on itself. Is is crown rot? When I was
misting every day i mistankingly misted the leaves as well as the roots....
Another change that has taken place is that I moved the Phal from a south facing window in my bathroom where i was afraid it was getting too much light to the middle of my living room where it get's very bright, indirect sunlight....could that be the problem? All of the leaves are dark green..
As far as fertilizer goes, i held off right after repotting it and waited 2 weeks before it got a watered down dose of orchid fertilizer....it would be time to fertilize it again this week but i wanted to get an idea of what was wrong and if i should even fertilize now.....
I am so sorry for bombarding you all with such a long post! I really want to get good at keeping orchids, and everyone says that Phals are so easy....but I just can't seem to get it right....
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is, and can this orchid be saved??
Sorry for being a pest! I know you all probably get sick of these "I killed my orchid!" posts....Ugh!
Thanks so much!

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