I'm trying to make myself feel good today because:
1) Went into the GH on this exceptionally sunny day and decided I'd change things around....Big mistake!
2) I've been lazy about staking my phal spikes and they tend to go every which way. So I tried to stake my Phal Long Pride Treasure and you guessed it
"it snaped!" So much for enjoying this beauty!
3) While moving things around I knocked over 2 plants and had to repot...what a mess and I hate a mess in my GH, as many of you already know...good thing is the roots not so good so here's hoping it makes it.
So here are some pics to cheer me up
It's not working
I know this isn't a Phal, but just look the other way and enjoy it... it's a NOID paph not the prettiest paph I've posted