Well, here's the thing. I just went out to the GH and found that mine isn't a NOID after all.... My tag reads, "Phal Long Pride Amy". As many of you may know Long Pride is a very old orchid name in Taiwan. If you go to their website,
Welcome To Long Pride Orchids Nursery you'll find at least 3 or 4 different Phal Long Pride Amy and even a Phal Nobby's Amy. They give each a number code which must relate to their mericlone or whatever. What is interesting is that the Nobby's Amy and looks just like Long Pride Amy and yet they have an almost white flower labled Long Pride Amy.... bottom line: Hybrids are near impossible to know because looks like there isn't any nomenclature standard for the hybrids.... and maybe there is but I'm not well read enough to know any better...
I like Anni's plant as well as mine and for me that is the most important thing about these chids!