I use the home depot orchid mix and my phals seem to like it very much right out of the bag. I do mix it with other things sometimes depending on the plant but I have also used it straight with good results.
The home depot near me actually sells 3 different orchid mixes, Orchid Special, Phalaenopsis Mix, and Dendrobium Mix. I think I actually like the den mix the best because it has slightly less bark in it and more inorganic things like perlite, chunks of ceramic and lava rock, which is good because I grow outdoors in Miami and in the summer it will often rain everyday and things stay wet for a very long time. The Phal mix stays wet the longest, the orchid special slightly less and then the den mix the shortest, but it's not a huge difference by any means and any of the three should be just fine for a phal as long as you water accordingly.
What I don't recommend is the spag that home depot sells. It's of poor quality and I find it shreds and breaks down easily and is full of sticks and sometimes rocks, even though it's sold as "premium" spag.
Just make sure you soak or at least rinse the bark before you use it.
Last edited by Gwenchanter; 05-28-2009 at 11:00 PM..