awww. thank you guys for the compliment. I really love the leaf too but I favor the fragrance and about 75% of my collection of orchids are you get the picture....Neo. falcata, 2 Catts, Den superbum, Max. ten, B. nodosa....blah blah...
Yeah the Tamiami Orchid show is coming up Jan 31-Feb 1 and I'm waiting till then to get my schilleriana. Hopefully with a lot of venders there I will be able to sniff the candidates and find the best one!
Vinh it's a beautiful flower and plant regardless of the scent. I've got a schilleriana and a stuartiana not for the scent of the flower but because of the foliage, but their flowers are pretty too so that's a plus. Mines aren't blooming size yet but I can't wait to see them bloom. In the meantime I'll enjoy they mottled leaves.