The one has been in bloom since Late May. The buds come in 4 or 5 "blasts". Bloom, then drop off, then the same spikes grow on further, forming another set of buds.
Its getting darn massive! Just wondering how long they can normally grow to? All my other orchids flower, then the spike goes brown and start fresh a few months later. This is the only one that does this...
Really? Gosh. Do you have any pictures? I'd love to see some huge spikes . Every day Orchids can surprise you with something unique and unknown. Love it.
I am trying to find some pictures that show some big spikes on my phals. I have a tendancy to shoot for the flowers and not the spikes. Here are a couple that give you an idea of the lenght on some of mine. OOPS, I can't really find a good picture.
I am sure there are other members that can show you photos of long spikes.
Yeah I've seen some pretty long spikes too, especially on older established plants. I think it might depend on what is in the background of the hybrid though. Some of mine are really long and others are shorter but all are equally healthy.
This white one was pretty long. I actually had to stake it in two places. The second stake is attached near the flowers to keep the spike from drooping under its own weight. Unfortunatly my sister killed it over the summer though =(.
It was called P. Symphony "White".
Last edited by Gwenchanter; 01-17-2009 at 01:40 PM..